The Period of Ragıp Kutmangil

Ragıp KutmangilRagıp Kutmangil, the found of “Kutman Şirketler Grubu” (Kutman Companies Group), continued successfully  his business of being ETİBANK  Contractor for a period of 5 years since 1949.

While Turkey initially experienced the movement of privatization in 1954, KUTMAN has taken its first step onto the business of mining in Ağaçlı Village in Istanbul as a Firm which held a Operating Concession Mining License under the resolution of Council of Ministers.    

KUTMAN which dealt with the business of iron and steel, contracting and mining work under the management of Ragıp Kutmangil, the founder of the Company, also continued its activities at that time with Tercüman Newspaper at Babıali which was the heart of the Press and Information Sector.