
TarihçeKUTMAN MADENCİLİK, which transformed black diamond into the green is one of the greatest mining firms at the mining sector actively operating within the licensed area of 9572 Hectares in Istanbul.

At the same time KUTMAN MADENCİLİK   incorporates in its structure KUTORMAN which accomplished the largest private forestation with   12.260 acres in Turkey and in the World.

The man who is in struggle at every period of the history has been successful in dominating the nature at numerous fields. The man has never forgotten how to get benefit and advantage of the nature and how he was within integrity with nature for his living.    

From deep inside ground to the upper and peak of the earth the nature constitutes integrity with people. This has come as above and will continue as such throughout the history. History of human being has commenced the process of industrialization in order to maintain his life within a certain time period, and by removing the wealth in the ground to the top, opened the door of the modern world and technological progress.

The mining sector which accomplished its development in the World in the 19th Century, in our Country however has commenced at the early 20th Century together with the Private Sector.  KUTMAN ŞİRKETLER GRUBU which is one of the biggest corporations in our Country on the field of Mining and Coal Works has been successfully able  to carry its information and experience from the past and its   mission assumed for the purpose of developing and improving the mining works  in our Country  to the 21st Century.   

KUTMAN ŞİRKETLER GRUBU  which is one of the biggest mining firms in our Country, actively operating  at present in Istanbul has been successfully proceeding a tradition extending from the past to the future on the fields of private sector mining activities with its pioneering works with the modern trade and technology processes.   

To do the business of mining since  1954 around the villages of Çiftalan, Ağaçlı, Kısırkaya, Akpınar and İmrahor in the districts of Eyüp, Sarıyer, Gaziosmanpaşa/Istanbul, within scope of the licensed areas of 9572 Hectares has been the product produced by  KUTMAN Şirketler Grubu as  
the result of its realistic, productive and resolute and dedicated efforts and works. When it is compared to the Closed Exploitation Method, the Open Exploitation Method which ensures higher productivity and economic production nowadays has been widely preferred in the World. In order to reach the coal layers which are detected through scientific methods millions cubic meters of stripping materials (rock hauling) are displaced and thus employment facility has been provided for 50.000 people at the region.  

To achieve a certain point however could require an intensive efforts, labor, experience and knowledge. In order to accomplish this goal the Family of Kutmangil has begun its long march in 1930s by doing business of iron and steel in Istanbul. Commercial knowledge and experience of the Family of Kutmangil goes back also from the previous years of that time. The family that was originally from Bursa emigrated from Bursa to Hicaz (Hijaz) and lived in Mekke (Mecca)  for a along time. “Hacı Fazlı Bey”, the father of Halis and Ragıp kutmangil, was born in Mecca. Because the holy lands were severed from the Ottoman Empire during the World War-I the Family returned back to Bursa again. The Family that was in Bursa at the earlier times of our Republic left Bursa and settled in Istanbul in 1930s.